Viper Fang 24T Machine Hire for a Car Garage Showroom in Shrewsbury

We were contacted by a renowned German car manufacturer regarding one of their showrooms located in an enterprise park in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, the birthplace of biologist Charles Darwin and quite close to our base of operations, also in Shropshire. The company were expecting a high-profile visitor to this particular showroom and wished to hire a machine to clean the showroom floor in preparation.

Choosing the right cleaning machine

It’s a large showroom that is used to display some very prestigious vehicles and so gets a lot of foot fall from customers, not to mention the odd rubber tyre. They also have a garage area where they do servicing, vehicle health checks, MOT’s and repairs however this machine was specifically for the showroom so was unlikely to encounter the heavy soiling you might expect in the garage area.
The floors in the showroom itself were mainly Porcelain tiles although the reception and sales desk area was laid with laminate flooring . We therefore recommended the Viper 24 battery powered pedestrian scrubber dryer would yield the best results for the task at hand and took one over to demonstrate its features and show them how to use it to best effect. Being battery powered, the Viper Fang 24 eliminates the risk of people tripping over any loose cables, creating electrical hazards and also makes it easier for the operator to negotiate the twelve desks, motor vehicles and other items of furniture within the building. Fortunately for our demonstration all the vehicles had been removed from the showroom so we were able to get a good straight run that really demonstrated the ability of the machine to clean the floor.

Viper Fang 24 Battery Powered Pedestrian Scrubber Dryer

The Viper 24 features a 66 litre tank and is a robust machine measuring 141 x 66 x 100cm. It is protected by front and rear collision protection and an impact-proof cover. It works in virtue of two tanks, one of which releases clean water and chemicals. The brushes then scrub the floor and the dirty water is sucked up as the machine moves over it, depositing the dirty water in the second tank. This makes it very simple to dispose of the dirty water. The customer was very satisfied with the results of the floor cleaning. There we absolutely no complaints or performance issues, the machine being easy to use and effective for the job it was used for.
It is worth noting that no matter which machine is hired, leased or bought, full on-site training is always provided beforehand. As a result of the client’s satisfaction I’m happy to report that the client has since taken on a twelve month hire of the Viper 24 scrubber dryer. It’s worth noting however that as well as Hire we also offer short and long term leasing options and have a range of new and reconditioned machines available for sale. For more details of available cleaning machines for hire, please visit:

Viper 24 floor cleaning at car showroom in Shropshire

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