Maintaining Idle Floor Cleaning Machines

The UK is currently going through a heatwave and many places in the UK haven’t seen any rain in over a month leading to suggestions of a hosepipe ban. It’s been so hot and dry in fact one our service engineers discovered the windscreen wipers on one of our service vehicles had become baked onto the windscreen.

Is your Cleaning Machine Sitting Idle?

It’s a fact that during spells of hot weather we notice calls to our engineers become less frequent and we equate this to the fact that cleaning machines get less use as floors appear to need less cleaning and machines sit idle as the temptation to sit outside in the sunshine increases. Although cleaning staff benefit from a more relaxing schedule and the chance to do other things than clean floors it’s likely that there are many floor cleaning machines out there have been sat around unused for weeks on end now and that’s not such a good thing.
  • Ask yourself the following questions:
  • Is the machine charged up and ready to go?
  • Has it laid idle for so long that some of the parts have seized up?
  • Have the suction rubbers gone brittle in the heat?
  • Has it missed its routine service because it’s been forgotten about?
  • Is the PAT test overdue?
The UK weather is very unreliable and will change at some point so it’s worth checking all the above now, so you are prepared for the inevitable. Please don't wait for the deluge of rain and subsequent trail of muddy feet on your floors to find out the machine doesn’t work.

Its worth noting that many of the call-outs our engineers attend are related to the incorrect use of the machine or lack of regular user maintenance so this is also good time to train your staff if the correct operation and maintenance of the machine.  Full details can be found in the machine's user manual and if you need help locating a replacement manual or would prefer for one of our trainers to visit your site please let us know.

Heatwave Cleaning Machine Maintenance Tips

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