Viper Fang 24T Throttle Lever Repair at a Supermarket in Carlisle

The goal of our team of A3 Engineers is to keep your cleaning team operational, normally this means making repair on-site however if that's not possible an alternative solution has to be found. One such alternative is to make a temporary repair to the machine as long it is still safe to operate. This was one such occasion where a call came in from a customer at a supermarket, informing us that the throttle lever was not working on their floor cleaning machine. The store was up in Carlisle, Cumbria, a city 10 miles south of the Scottish border.

Repairing the Throttle Lever Control

The machine in question was a Viper Fang 24T Scrubber Dryer; the throttle lever controls the forward and reverse movement of the machine and naturally if the throttle lever malfunctions the machine cannot be operated properly. 

We already had an Engineer in the area visiting other customers at the time so we asked him to include the supermarket in his route and take a look at the machine.   It was imperative that the machine is and running again as quickly as possible because supermarkets have more than just customer shoe prints to worry about – they have to adhere to strict hygiene policies, making cleaning the floors an important, daily task.

Upon arriving at the supermarket, our engineer began carrying out his inspection. After opening up the control panel and testing the machine, it was clear that the throttle control mechanism had developed a fault and would need replacing, however this was a specialist part and would need to be ordered in.

Normally in cases like this we would take your machine away and leave a loan machine in place whilst your machine is being repaired in our workshop.  However as hinted at the beginning of this post our Engineer was able to safely bypass the throttle control making it operational again and enabling the customer to keep on using the machine as needed.

A replacement throttle control was ordered and our engineer returned a few days later to replace to faulty part.  The machine was given a full test and is now back in operation with the cleaning team.

It's worth noting that our engineers maintain over 800 Viper cleaning machines across the UK and in our experience they are a very robust machine and faults of this nature are quite rare, however like any machine with moving parts wear and tear is inevitable and faults can develop.

Viper Fang 24 Battery Powered Pedestrian Scrubber Dryer

The Viper 24 scrubber-dryer is a robust machine. Measuring 141 x 66 x 100cm, it is housed in moulded plastic but its size means that it is durable whilst also being manoeuvrable. It is protected by front and rear collision protection and an impact-proof cover. It works in virtue of two tanks, one of which releases clean water and chemicals. The brushes then scrub the floor and the dirty water is sucked up as the machine moves over it, depositing the dirty water in the second tank. This makes it very simple to dispose of the dirty water, and the 66-litre tank means the user can spend less time emptying and more time cleaning.

All of these features taken as a whole make the Viper Fang 24 an excellent choice for medium-to-large sized areas of flooring that see regular soiling and need frequent and thorough cleaning. This makes it a great solution for places such as supermarkets and stores.

Viper Fang 24T Repair at a Supermarket in Cumbria

To contact the A3 Machines service team for help or to find out more about servicing and repairing Viper Cleaning Machines or similar please visit:

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