On-Site Portable Appliance Testing - PAT Testing

Earlier this year we published an article regarding a service visit to British Telecom in London to service some of their floor cleaning machines and we touched on the topic of PAT Testing. If you missed the article you can read it here: http://service.a3machines.info/fulfilling-corporate-service-contracts/ . Since then we have been back to BT’s headquarters in Central London, to complete the servicing of their machine including Portable Appliance Testing (PAT Testing). UK Health and Safety Law Whilst PAT Testing is not a legal requirement, UK Health and Safety legislation does stipulate that employers (which includes the self-employed) ensure that all electrical equipment that they provide in their business is safe and properly maintained. The Health and Safety executive have published a brief guide on this topic which you can download for free via the following link: http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg291.pdf The relevant section is copied below: What do the Regulations ...